< Window x :Class ="AnnoyingDataGridExtraRow.MainWindow"xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"xmlns :x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"Title ="MainWindow"Height ="350"Width ="525"Name ="ThisWindow"> <DataGrid ItemsSource ="{BindingElementName =ThisWindow,Path =MyModels}"AutoGenerateColumns ="False"> <DataGrid.Columns > <DataGridTextColumn Header ="Strings"Binding ="{Binding Text }" /> <DataGridTextColumn Header ="Doubles"Binding ="{Binding Value }" /> </DataGrid.Columns > </DataGrid > </Window >
public partial class MainWindow :Window {public MainWindow() { MyModels =new List <MyModel > {new MyModel { Text = "AAA", Value = 0.423 },new MyModel { Text = "BBB", Value = 0.315 },new MyModel { Text = "CCC", Value = 4.422 } }; InitializeComponent(); }public List <MyModel > MyModels {get ;set ; } }
public class MyModel {public string Text {get ;set ; }public double Value {get ;set ; } }
If we don't specify a constructor, WPF DataGrid will default to an empty constructor, which allow users to add new row to the grid.
If I change
public class MyModel {public MyModel(string text,double value) { Text = text; Value = value; }public string Text {get ;set ; }public double Value {get ;set ; } }
...then that extra row disappears.
If we want to make the DataGrid readonly, make sure we don't specify an empty constructor. Otherwise we need to set
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